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In the Classroom

About The PTA

Who are we


The PTA raises money to benefit pupils by funding equipment and activities that enrich their school lives. An equally important function is to involve the parent community in the life of the school and provide opportunities for parents to meet and get to know one another.

With these aims in mind, the PTA committee organise a number of fun, social events for families during the year. These are really enjoyed by both parents and children, whilst raising valuable funds for the school.

In the past, money raised by the PTA has been used to help buy new laptops for the children, play equipment for the children to use at lunchtime, reading books for the library and to make improvements to the outside space: including an all-weather surface in Reception. Annual events run by the PTA include a Christmas Disco with lots of stalls and a visit from Father Christmas and a very successful family barbeque in the summer.


All parents automatically become members of the PTA when their children join the school. Help is always needed to organise and run events and getting involved by joining the PTA committee or volunteering to help with an event is a great way to get to know other parents and help the school at the same time.


We hope we can look forward to hearing from you...


Raising Funds for the School


What are we raising funds for?

The fundraising initiatives run by the PTA help the school to provide more enriching experiences and better facilities for the children.

In previous years, the money raised has helped to pay for a wide range of things for the children including:

* new laptops to use in school

* reading books

* visits and gifts from Santa

* a pantomime

* days out

* improvements to outside space


This year we are aiming to raise £5,000 in total, mainly focused towards further improvements to the outdoor spaces around the main playground and reception’s play area.


We’ll keep you updated on progress.

How We Raise Funds


These are just some of the initiatives we use to raise money for the school.

Keep an eye out for these so you can support.

* raffles

* summer fair

* live performances (theatre, concerts)

* competitions

* movie nights

* social events (discos, party nights)

* sales (cakes, uniform)

* donations (annual donations from parents, Amazon Smile)

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