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Mills & Reeve funds new books for children at Risby Primary

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

Risby PTA would like to extend a huge thank you to UK law firm, Mills & Reeve, for kindly donating £150 to Risby Primary School to fund the purchase of vital non-fiction books for our students.

Mills & Reeve's donation will make a valuable difference to our school, helping us to provide the children with the resources they need to succeed in their studies. Risby PTA, on behalf of Risby Primary, will be able to purchase essential books covering a range of subjects including science, history and geography. With these resources, our students will have the opportunity to explore new topics and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Marie Evans, Chair of Risby PTA, said: "We are incredibly grateful to Mills & Reeve for their support and generosity, and we hope to be able to continue working together in the future to provide our students with the best possible education. Their contribution will bring benefits for the children for years to come and we are very excited about the learning opportunities that these books will create."

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